Thriving Neighborhoods and Economic Equity
Ensuring residents are engaged in land use decision-making processes & economic justice
Thriving Neighborhoods and Economic Equity

Because of the economic vulnerability that the hardworking residents of Monterey County face, it is important that they are spoken for and advocated for. This is why BHC ensures members of the community are familiar and engaged with land-use decision-making processes and economic justice. In order to protect residents and make sure they are familiar with the policies that dictates how their community is run, BHC has involved itself in processes related to the future of the community and it’s economic future.

La Escuelita de Involucramiento Cívico (The Little School for Civic Engagement) Spring Semester 2023
We are having an Impact through…

The Alisal Vibrancy Plan

City of Salinas Budgets

City of Seaside Budgets

Regions Rise Together

General Update Plan/Visión Salinas 2040

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

Salinas Broadband Plan 2019 / Neighborhood WIFI

Housing Advocacy

Salinas Regional Soccer Complex